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  1. Agriculture
  2. Akhirah
  3. Anthropology
  4. Archeology
  5. Architecture
  6. Astronomy
  7. Attainment of all human desires
  8. Backbiting and Slander
  9. Basic Truths of Morality
  10. Biology
  11. Blind Faith
  12. Botany
  13. Chemistry
  14. Conceit and Vanity
  15. Consumption
  16. Continuity of the Human Race
  17. Cosmology
  18. Economic inequality within natural limits
  19. Economic Principles
  20. Education
  21. Education: Basis, Purpose and Mode
  22. Equitable Diffrences
  23. Equity in reltaliation
  24. Explorations
  25. Extravagance
  26. Falsehood and Hypocracy
  27. Forbidden Marriages
  28. Freedom
  29. Freedom of Association
  30. Freedom of Faith
  31. Fulfilment of trusts and promises
  32. General
  33. General regulation
  34. Geography
  35. Geology
  36. GOD'S sovereignity over all
  37. Goodness and piety
  38. Greed
  39. Heat
  40. History
  41. Horticulture
  42. Husband's duties
  43. Incentive to Taqwa and Piety
  44. Industry
  45. Infaq
  46. Institution of Marriage
  47. Irrigation
  48. Islam and Science
  49. Islamic view of the worldly life
  50. Jealousy
  51. Justice and benevolence
  52. Knowledge
  53. Leadership
  54. Loyalty
  55. Main Features of the Economic systems
  56. Man's status on Earth
  57. Mathematics
  58. Medicine
  59. Minerology
  60. Moderation
  61. Modesty and chastity
  62. Morals
  63. Natural History
  64. Nature of Marital Relationship
  65. Obedience of the Law
  66. Object and Islamic culture
  67. Obligations of Wives
  68. Opposition to truth
  69. Organization
  70. Parents and relations
  71. Participation in Defence
  72. Physics
  73. Physiology
  74. Piety destroys world life
  75. Politics
  76. Polygamy
  77. Pride
  78. Principles of Government
  79. Problem of Peace and Order
  80. Prophet's influence on human culture
  81. Protection of Chastity
  82. Psycho Analysis
  83. Psychology
  84. Psychotherapy
  85. Reason and logic
  86. Reconciliation
  87. Relations between Individuals
  88. Relationship of Individuals with Society
  89. Respect for Personal Responsibility
  90. Right of property
  91. Right to Dissent
  92. Rights of Livelyhood
  93. Rights of Privacy
  94. Rights of Private property
  95. Rights of Women
  96. Sacrifices
  97. Scales and Measurements
  98. Science and culture
  99. Search for truth
  100. Significance of Faith in Marriage
  101. Social Justice
  102. Social Security
  103. Social Stratification
  104. Society in General
  105. Solidarity of Objectives
  106. Sound
  107. Source of Peace and Affection
  108. Subservience to Leaders
  109. Supplication and Cries for help
  110. Supremacy of Law
  111. Tauheed (Unity of God)
  112. The continuity of life
  113. The Family and Marriage
  114. The focus of Islamic system
  115. The Human Soul
  116. The International Community
  117. The object of Islamic culture
  118. The Physical World
  119. The Poor and Needy
  120. The Quran condemns evil deeds
  121. The Study of Human Nature
  122. The unity of human origin
  123. The unity of mankind
  124. Universality of the Sex Relation
  125. War Preparations
  126. Weightlessness
  127. Wife's duties
  128. Worldly status
  129. Worship Obedience
  130. Zoology

The Physical World

  1. Sura: 6 - al-An`aam (The Cattle) Ayat: 73

    وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ ۖ وَيَوْمَ يَقُولُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ ۚ قَوْلُهُ الْحَقُّ ۚ وَلَهُ الْمُلْكُ يَوْمَ يُنْفَخُ فِي الصُّورِ ۚ عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ ۚ وَهُوَ الْحَكِيمُ الْخَبِيرُ (73

    وہی وہ ہے جس نے آسمان و زمین کو حق کے ساتھ پیدا کیا ہے اور وہ جب بھی کہتا ہے کہ ہوجا تو وہ چیز ہوجاتی ہے اس کا قول برحق ہے اور جس دن صور پھونکا جائے گا اس دن سارا اختیار اسی کے ہاتھ میں ہوگا وہ غائب اور حاضر سب کا جاننے والا صاحب حکمت اور ہر شے سے باخبر ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] It is He who created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): the day He saith, "Be," behold! it is. His word is the truth. His will be the dominion the day the trumpet will be blown. He knoweth the unseen as well as that which is open. For He is the Wise, well acquainted (with all things).

    [ PICKTHAL ] He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in truth. In the day when He saith: Be! it is. His Word is the Truth, and His will be the Sovereignty on the day when the trumpet is blown. Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, He is the Wise, the Aware.

    [ SHAKIR ] And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth with truth, and on the day He says: Be, it is. His word is the truth, and His is the kingdom on the day when the trumpet shall be blown; the Knower of the unseen and the seen; and He is the Wise, the Aware.

  2. Sura: 7 - al-A`araaf (The Heights) Ayat: 57

    وَهُوَ الَّذِي يُرْسِلُ الرِّيَاحَ بُشْرًا بَيْنَ يَدَيْ رَحْمَتِهِ ۖ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَقَلَّتْ سَحَابًا ثِقَالًا سُقْنَاهُ لِبَلَدٍ مَيِّتٍ فَأَنْزَلْنَا بِهِ الْمَاءَ فَأَخْرَجْنَا بِهِ مِنْ كُلِّ الثَّمَرَاتِ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ نُخْرِجُ الْمَوْتَىٰ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ (57

    وہ خدا وہ ہے جو ہواؤں کو رحمت کی بشارت بناکر بھیجتا ہے یہاں تک کہ جب ہوائیں وزنی بادلوں کو اٹھالیتی ہیں تو ہم ان کو مردہ شہروں کو زندہ کرنے کے لئے لے جاتے ہیں اور پھر پانی برسادیتے ہیں اور اس کے ذریعہ مختلف پھل پیدا کردیتے ہیں اور اسی طرح ہم مفِدوں کو زندہ کردیا کرتے ہیں کہ شاید تم عبرت و نصیحت حاصل کرسکو

    [YOUSAF ALI] It is He Who sendeth the winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perchance ye may remember.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And He it is Who sendeth the winds as tidings heralding His mercy, till, when they bear a cloud heavy (with rain), We lead it to a dead land, and then cause water to descend thereon and thereby bring forth fruits of every kind. Thus bring We forth the dead. Haply ye may remember.

    [ SHAKIR ] And He it is Who sends forth the winds bearing good news before His mercy, until, when they bring up a laden cloud, We drive it to a dead land, then We send down water on it, then bring forth with it of fruits of all kinds; thus shall We bring forth the dead that you may be mindful.

  3. Sura: 14 - Ibrahim (Abraham) From Ayat: 19 to 20

    أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ ۚ إِنْ يَشَأْ يُذْهِبْكُمْ وَيَأْتِ بِخَلْقٍ جَدِيدٍ (19

    کیا تم نے نہیں دیکھا کہ اللہ نے زمین اور آسمانوں کو برحق پیدا کیا ہے وہ چاہے تو تم کو فنا کرکے ایک نئی مخلوق کو لاسکتا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Seest thou not that Allah created the heavens and the earth in Truth? If He so will, He can remove you and put (in your place) a new creation?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Hast thou not seen that Allah hath created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He will, He can remove you and bring (in) some new creation;

    [ SHAKIR ] Do you not see that Allah created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He please He will take you off and bring a new creation,

  4. Sura: 14 - Ibrahim (Abraham) From Ayat: 19 to 20

    وَمَا ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ بِعَزِيزٍ (20

    اور اللہ کے لئے یہ بات کوئی مشکل نہیں ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Nor is that for Allah any great matter.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And that is no great matter for Allah.

    [ SHAKIR ] And this is not difficult for Allah.

  5. Sura: 22 - al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) From Ayat: 5 to 6

    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ فِي رَيْبٍ مِنَ الْبَعْثِ فَإِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ تُرَابٍ ثُمَّ مِنْ نُطْفَةٍ ثُمَّ مِنْ عَلَقَةٍ ثُمَّ مِنْ مُضْغَةٍ مُخَلَّقَةٍ وَغَيْرِ مُخَلَّقَةٍ لِنُبَيِّنَ لَكُمْ ۚ وَنُقِرُّ فِي الْأَرْحَامِ مَا نَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُسَمًّى ثُمَّ نُخْرِجُكُمْ طِفْلًا ثُمَّ لِتَبْلُغُوا أَشُدَّكُمْ ۖ وَمِنْكُمْ مَنْ يُتَوَفَّىٰ وَمِنْكُمْ مَنْ يُرَدُّ إِلَىٰ أَرْذَلِ الْعُمُرِ لِكَيْلَا يَعْلَمَ مِنْ بَعْدِ عِلْمٍ شَيْئًا ۚ وَتَرَى الْأَرْضَ هَامِدَةً فَإِذَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا الْمَاءَ اهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ وَأَنْبَتَتْ مِنْ كُلِّ زَوْجٍ بَهِيجٍ (5

    اے لوگو اگر تمہیں دوبارہ اٹھائے جانے میں شبہ ہے تو یہ سمجھ لو کہ ہم نے ہی تمہیں پہلے خاک سے بنایا ہے پھر نطفہ سے پھر جمے ہوئے خون سے پھر گوشت کے لوتھڑے سے جس میں سے کوئی مکمل ہوجاتا ہے اور کوئی ناقص ہی رہ جاتا ہے تاکہ ہم تمہارے اوپر اپنی قدرت کو واضح کردیں ہم جس چیز کو جب تک چاہتے ہیں رحم میں رکھتے ہیں اس کے بعد تم کو بچہ بناکر باہر لے آتے ہیں پھر زندہ رکھتے ہیں تاکہ جوانی کی عمر تک پہنچ جاؤ اور پھر تم میں سے بعض کو اٹھالیا جاتا ہے اور بعض کو پست ترین عمر تک باقی رکھا جاتا ہے تاکہ علم کے بعد پھر کچھ جاننے کے قابل نہ رہ جائے اور تم زمین کو مردہ دیکھتے ہو پھر جب ہم پانی برسادیتے ہیں تو وہ لہلہانے لگتی ہے اور ابھرنے لگتی ہے اور ہر طرح کی خوبصورت چیز اگانے لگتی ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much), and (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs).

    [ PICKTHAL ] O mankind! if ye are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, then lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We may make (it) clear for you. And We cause what We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed time, and afterward We bring you forth as infants, then (give you growth) that ye attain your full strength. And among you there is he who dieth (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the most abject time of life, so that, after knowledge, he knoweth naught. And thou (Muhammad) seest the earth barren, but when We send down water thereon, it doth thrill and swell and put forth every lovely kind (of growth).

    [ SHAKIR ] O people! if you are in doubt about the raising, then surely We created you from dust, then from a small seed, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, complete in make and incomplete, that We may make clear to you; and We cause what We please to stay in the wombs till an appointed time, then We bring you forth as babies, then that you may attain your maturity; and of you is he who is caused to die, and of you is he who is brought back to the worst part of life, so that after having knowledge he does not know anything; and you see the earth sterile land, but when We send down on it the water, it stirs and swells and brings forth of every kind a beautiful herbage.

  6. Sura: 22 - al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) From Ayat: 5 to 6

    ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الْحَقُّ وَأَنَّهُ يُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ وَأَنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ (6

    یہ اس لئے ہے کہ وہ اللہ خدائے برحق ہے اور وہی مفِدوں کو زندہ کرتا ہے اور وہی ہر شے پر قدرت رکھنے والا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] This is so, because Allah is the Reality: it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who has power over all things.

    [ PICKTHAL ] That is because Allah, He is the Truth and because He quickeneth the dead, and because He is Able to do all things;

    [ SHAKIR ] This is because Allah is the Truth and because He gives life to the dead and because He has power over all things

  7. Sura: 23 - al-Mu'minoon (The Believers) Ayat: 115

    أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثًا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ (115

    کیا تمہارا خیال یہ تھا کہ ہم نے تمہیں بیکار پیدا کیا ہے اور تم ہماری طرف پلٹا کر نہیں لائے جاؤ گے

    [YOUSAF ALI] "Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?"

    [ PICKTHAL ] Deemed ye then that We had created you for naught, and that ye would not be returned unto Us?

    [ SHAKIR ] What! did you then think that We had created you in vain and that you shall not be returned to Us?

  8. Sura: 37 - as-Saaffaat (Those drawn up in Ranks) Ayat: 11

    فَاسْتَفْتِهِمْ أَهُمْ أَشَدُّ خَلْقًا أَمْ مَنْ خَلَقْنَا ۚ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاهُمْ مِنْ طِينٍ لَازِبٍ (11

    اب ذرا ان سے دریافت کرو کہ یہ زیادہ دشوار گزار مخلوق ہیں یا جن کو ہم پیدا کرچکے ہیں ہم نے ان سب کو ایک لسدار مٹی سے پیدا کیا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Just ask their opinion: are they the more difficult to create, or the (other) beings We have created? Them have We created out of a sticky clay!

    [ PICKTHAL ] Then ask them (O Muhammad): Are they stronger as a creation, or those (others) whom we have created? Lo! We created them of plastic clay.

    [ SHAKIR ] Then ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created. Surely We created them of firm clay.

  9. Sura: 38 - Saad (The letter 'saad') From Ayat: 27 to 28

    وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاءَ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا بَاطِلًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ظَنُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنَ النَّارِ (27

    اور ہم نے آسمان اور زمین اور اس کے درمیان کی مخلوقات کو بیکار نہیں پیدا کیا ہے یہ تو صرف کافروں کا خیال ہے اور کافروں کے لئے جہّنم میں ویل کی منزل ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Not without purpose did We create heaven and earth and all between! that were the thought of Unbelievers! but woe to the Unbelievers because of the Fire (of Hell)!

    [ PICKTHAL ] And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. And woe unto those who disbelieve, from the Fire!

    [ SHAKIR ] And We did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them in vain; that is the opinion of those who disbelieve then woe to those who disbelieve on account of the fire.

  10. Sura: 38 - Saad (The letter 'saad') From Ayat: 27 to 28

    أَمْ نَجْعَلُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَالْمُفْسِدِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ أَمْ نَجْعَلُ الْمُتَّقِينَ كَالْفُجَّارِ (28

    کیا ہم ایمان لانے والے اور نیک عمل کرنے والوں کو زمین میں فساد برپا کرنے والوں جیسا قرار دیدیں یا صاحبانِ تقویٰ کو فاسق و فاجر افراد جیسا قرار دیدیں

    [YOUSAF ALI] Shall We treat those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, the same as those who do mischief on earth? Shall We treat those who guard against evil, the same as those who turn aside from the right?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Shall We treat those who believe and do good works as those who spread corruption in the earth; or shall We treat the pious as the wicked?

    [ SHAKIR ] Shall We treat those who believe and do good like the mischief-makers in the earth? Or shall We make those who guard (against evil) like the wicked?

  11. Sura: 40 - al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) Ayat: 57

    لَخَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ أَكْبَرُ مِنْ خَلْقِ النَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ (57

    بیشک زمین و آسمان کا پیدا کردینا لوگوں کے پیدا کردینے سے کہیں زیادہ بڑا کام ہے لیکن لوگوں کی اکثریت یہ بھی نہیں جانتی ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Assuredly the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater (matter) than the creation of men: Yet most men understand not.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Assuredly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind; but most of mankind know not.

    [ SHAKIR ] Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the men, but most people do not know

  12. Sura: 41 - Fussilat (Explained in detail) Ayat: 39

    وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنَّكَ تَرَى الْأَرْضَ خَاشِعَةً فَإِذَا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا الْمَاءَ اهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِي أَحْيَاهَا لَمُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ ۚ إِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ (39

    اور اس کی نشانیوں میں سے یہ بھی ہے کہ تم زمین کو صاف اور مفِدہ دیکھ رہے ہو اور پھر جب ہم نے پانی برسا دیا تو زمین لہلہانے لگی اور اس میں نشوونما پیدا ہوگئی بیشک جس نے زمین کو زندہ کیا ہے وہی مفِدوں کا زندہ کرنے والا بھی ہے اور یقینا وہ ہر شے پر قادر ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] And among His Signs in this: thou seest the earth barren and desolate; but when We send down rain to it, it is stirred to life and yields increase. Truly, He Who gives life to the (dead) earth can surely give life to (men) who are dead. For He has power over all things.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And of His portents (is this): that thou seest the earth lowly, but when We send down water thereon it thrilleth and groweth. Lo! He Who quickeneth it is verily the Quickener of the Dead. Lo! He is Able to do all things.

    [ SHAKIR ] And among His signs is this, that you see the earth still, but when We send down on it the water, it stirs and swells: most surely He Who gives it life is the Giver of life to the dead; surely He has power over all things.

  13. Sura: 44 - ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke) From Ayat: 38 to 40

    وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا لَاعِبِينَ (38

    اور ہم نے زمین و آسمان اور اس کی درمیانی مخلوقات کو کھیل تماشہ کرنے کے لئے نہیں پیدا کیا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, merely in (idle) sport:

    [ PICKTHAL ] And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in play.

    [ SHAKIR ] And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in sport.

  14. Sura: 44 - ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke) From Ayat: 38 to 40

    مَا خَلَقْنَاهُمَا إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ (39

    ہم نے انہیں صرف حق کے ساتھ پیدا کیا ہے لیکن ان کی اکثریت اس امر سے بھی جاہل ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] We created them not except for just ends: but most of them do not understand.

    [ PICKTHAL ] We created them not save with truth; but most of them know not.

    [ SHAKIR ] We did not create them both but with the truth, but most of them do not know.

  15. Sura: 44 - ad-Dukhaan (The Smoke) From Ayat: 38 to 40

    إِنَّ يَوْمَ الْفَصْلِ مِيقَاتُهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ (40

    بیشک فیصلہ کا دن ان سب کے اٹھائے جانے کا مقررہ وقت ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Verily the Day of sorting out is the time appointed for all of them,-

    [ PICKTHAL ] Assuredly the Day of Decision is the term for all of them,

    [ SHAKIR ] Surely the day of separation is their appointed term, of all of them

  16. Sura: 45 - al-Jaathiya (Crouching) From Ayat: 21 to 22

    أَمْ حَسِبَ الَّذِينَ اجْتَرَحُوا السَّيِّئَاتِ أَنْ نَجْعَلَهُمْ كَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ سَوَاءً مَحْيَاهُمْ وَمَمَاتُهُمْ ۚ سَاءَ مَا يَحْكُمُونَ (21

    کیا برائی اختیار کرلینے والوں نے یہ خیال کرلیا ہے کہ ہم انہیں ایمان لانے والوں اور نیک عمل کرنے والوں کے برابر قرار دے دیں گے کہ سب کی موت و حیات ایک جیسی ہو یہ ان لوگوں نے نہایت بدترین فیصلہ کیا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] What! Do those who seek after evil ways think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous deeds,- that equal will be their life and their death? Ill is the judgment that they make.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Or do those who commit ill-deeds suppose that We shall make them as those who believe and do good works, the same in life and death? Bad is their judgment!

    [ SHAKIR ] Nay! do those who have wrought evil deeds think that We will make them like those who believe and do good-- that their life and their death shall be equal? Evil it is that they judge.

  17. Sura: 45 - al-Jaathiya (Crouching) From Ayat: 21 to 22

    وَخَلَقَ اللَّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ وَلِتُجْزَىٰ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ (22

    اور اللہ نے آسمان و زمین کو حق کے ساتھ پیدا کیا ہے اور اس لئے بھی کہ ہر نفس کو اس کے اعمال کا بدلہ دیا جاسکے اور یہاں کسی پر ظلم نہیں کیا جائے گا

    [YOUSAF ALI] Allah created the heavens and the earth for just ends, and in order that each soul may find the recompense of what it has earned, and none of them be wronged.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And Allah hath created the heavens and the earth with truth, and that every soul may be repaid what it hath earned. And they will not be wronged.

    [ SHAKIR ] And Allah created the heavens and the earth with truth and that every soul may be rewarded for what it has earned and they shall not be wronged.

  18. Sura: 66 - at-Tahrim (The Prohibition) From Ayat: 7 to 10

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَا تَعْتَذِرُوا الْيَوْمَ ۖ إِنَّمَا تُجْزَوْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ (7

    اور اے کفر اختیار کرنے والو آج کوئی عذر پیش نہ کرو کہ آج تمہیں تمہارے اعمال کی سزا دی جائے گی

    [YOUSAF ALI] (They will say), "O ye Unbelievers! Make no excuses this Day! Ye are being but requited for all that ye did!"

    [ PICKTHAL ] (Then it will be said): O ye who disbelieve! Make no excuses for yourselves this day. Ye are only being paid for what ye used to do.

    [ SHAKIR ] O you who disbelieve! do not urge excuses today; you shall be rewarded only according to what you did.

  19. Sura: 66 - at-Tahrim (The Prohibition) From Ayat: 7 to 10

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا تُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ تَوْبَةً نَصُوحًا عَسَىٰ رَبُّكُمْ أَنْ يُكَفِّرَ عَنْكُمْ سَيِّئَاتِكُمْ وَيُدْخِلَكُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ يَوْمَ لَا يُخْزِي اللَّهُ النَّبِيَّ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُ ۖ نُورُهُمْ يَسْعَىٰ بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَبِأَيْمَانِهِمْ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا أَتْمِمْ لَنَا نُورَنَا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ (8

    ایمان والو خلوص دل کے ساتھ توبہ کرو عنقریب تمہارا پروردگار تمہاری برائیوں کو مٹا دے گا اور تمہیں ان جنتوں میں داخل کردے گا جن کے نیچے نہریں جاری ہوں گی اس دن خدا اپنے نبی اور صاحبانِ ایمان کو رسوا نہیں ہونے دے گا ان کا نور ان کے آگے آگے اور داہنی طرف چل رہا ہوگا اور وہ کہیں گے کہ خدایا ہمارے لئے ہمارے نور کو مکمل کردے اور ہمیں بخش دے کہ تو یقینا ہر شے پر قدرت رکھنے والا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for Thou hast power over all things."

    [ PICKTHAL ] O ye who believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands; they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things.

    [ SHAKIR ] O you who believe! turn to Allah a sincere turning; maybe your Lord will remove from you your evil and cause you to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, on the day on which Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him; their light shall run on before them and on their right hands; they shall say: Our Lord! make perfect for us our light, and grant us protection, surely Thou hast power over all things.

  20. Sura: 66 - at-Tahrim (The Prohibition) From Ayat: 7 to 10

    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ (9

    پیغمبر آپ کفر اور منافقین سے جہاد کریں اور ان پر سختی کریں اور ان کا ٹھکانا جہنّم ہے اور وہی بدترین انجام ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed).

    [ PICKTHAL ] O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Hell will be their home, a hapless journey's end.

    [ SHAKIR ] O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be hard against them; and their abode is hell; and evil is the resort.

  21. Sura: 66 - at-Tahrim (The Prohibition) From Ayat: 7 to 10

    ضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا امْرَأَتَ نُوحٍ وَامْرَأَتَ لُوطٍ ۖ كَانَتَا تَحْتَ عَبْدَيْنِ مِنْ عِبَادِنَا صَالِحَيْنِ فَخَانَتَاهُمَا فَلَمْ يُغْنِيَا عَنْهُمَا مِنَ اللَّهِ شَيْئًا وَقِيلَ ادْخُلَا النَّارَ مَعَ الدَّاخِلِينَ (10

    خدا نے کفر اختیار کرنے والوں کے لئے زوجہ نوح اور زوجہ لوط کی مثال بیان کی ہے کہ یہ دونوں ہمارے نیک بندوں کی زوجیت میں تھیں لیکن ان سے خیانت کی تو اس زوجیت نے خدا کی بارگاہ میں کوئی فائدہ نہیں پہنچایا اور ان سے کہہ دیا گیا کہ تم بھی تمام جہنمّ میں داخل ہونے والوں کے ساتھ داخل ہوجاؤ

    [YOUSAF ALI] Allah sets forth, for an example to the Unbelievers, the wife of Noah and the wife of Lut: they were (respectively) under two of our righteous servants, but they were false to their (husbands), and they profited nothing before Allah on their account, but were told: "Enter ye the Fire along with (others) that enter!"

    [ PICKTHAL ] Allah citeth an example for those who disbelieve: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot, who were under two of Our righteous slaves yet betrayed them so that they (the husbands) availed them naught against Allah and it was said (unto them): Enter the Fire along with those who enter.

    [ SHAKIR ] Allah sets forth an example to those who disbelieve the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut: they were both under two of Our righteous servants, but they acted treacherously towards them so they availed them naught against Allah, and it was said: Enter both the fire with those who enter.

  22. Sura: 67 - al-Mulk (The Sovereignty) Ayat: 2

    الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفُورُ (2

    اس نے موت و حیات کو اس لئے پیدا کیا ہے تاکہ تمہاری آزمائش کرے کہ تم میں حَسن عمل کے اعتبار سے سب سے بہتر کون ہے اور وہ صاحب هعزّت بھی ہے اور بخشنے والا بھی ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving;-

    [ PICKTHAL ] Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving,

    [ SHAKIR ] Who created death and life that He may try you-- which of you is best in deeds; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving,

  23. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    أَفَنَجْعَلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ كَالْمُجْرِمِينَ (35

    کیا ہم اطاعت گزار وں کو مجرموں جیسا بنا دیں

    [YOUSAF ALI] Shall We then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Shall We then treat those who have surrendered as We treat the guilty?

    [ SHAKIR ] What! shall We then make (that is, treat) those who submit as the guilty?

  24. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    مَا لَكُمْ كَيْفَ تَحْكُمُونَ (36

    تمہیں کیا ہو گیا ہے کیسا فیصلہ کر رہے ہو

    [YOUSAF ALI] What is the matter with you? How judge ye?

    [ PICKTHAL ] What aileth you? How foolishly ye judge!

    [ SHAKIR ] What has happened to you? How do you judge?

  25. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    أَمْ لَكُمْ كِتَابٌ فِيهِ تَدْرُسُونَ (37

    یا تمہاری کوئی کتاب ہے جس میں یہ سب پڑھا کرتے ہو

    [YOUSAF ALI] Or have ye a book through which ye learn-

    [ PICKTHAL ] Or have ye a scripture wherein ye learn

    [ SHAKIR ] Or have you a book wherein you read,

  26. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    إِنَّ لَكُمْ فِيهِ لَمَا تَخَيَّرُونَ (38

    کہ وہاں تمہاری پسند کی ساری چیزیں حاضر ملیں گی

    [YOUSAF ALI] That ye shall have, through it whatever ye choose?

    [ PICKTHAL ] That ye shall indeed have all that ye choose?

    [ SHAKIR ] That you have surely therein what you choose?

  27. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    أَمْ لَكُمْ أَيْمَانٌ عَلَيْنَا بَالِغَةٌ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ ۙ إِنَّ لَكُمْ لَمَا تَحْكُمُونَ (39

    یا تم نے ہم سے روزِ قیامت تک کی قسمیں لے رکھی ہیں کہ تمہیں وہ سب کچھ ملے گا جس کا تم فیصلہ کرو گے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Or have ye Covenants with Us to oath, reaching to the Day of Judgment, (providing) that ye shall have whatever ye shall demand?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Or have ye a covenant on oath from Us that reacheth to the Day of Judgment, that yours shall be all that ye ordain?

    [ SHAKIR ] Or have you received from Us an agreement confirmed by an oath extending to the day of resurrection that you shall surely have what you demand?

  28. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    سَلْهُمْ أَيُّهُمْ بِذَٰلِكَ زَعِيمٌ (40

    ان سے پوچھئے کہ ان سب باتوں کا ذمہ دار کون ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Ask thou of them, which of them will stand surety for that!

    [ PICKTHAL ] Ask them (O Muhammad) which of them will vouch for that!

    [ SHAKIR ] Ask them which of them will vouch for that,

  29. Sura: 68 - al-Qalam (The Pen) From Ayat: 35 to 41

    أَمْ لَهُمْ شُرَكَاءُ فَلْيَأْتُوا بِشُرَكَائِهِمْ إِنْ كَانُوا صَادِقِينَ (41

    یا ان کے لئے شرکائ ہیں تو اگر یہ سچے ہیں تو اپنے شرکائ کو لے آئیں

    [YOUSAF ALI] Or have they some "Partners" (in Allahhead)? Then let them produce their "partners", if they are truthful!

    [ PICKTHAL ] Or have they other gods? Then let them bring their other gods if they are truthful

    [ SHAKIR ] Or have they associates if they are truthful.

  30. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ لَا أُقْسِمُ بِيَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ (1

    میں روزِ قیامت کی قسم کھاتا ہوں

    [YOUSAF ALI] I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;

    [ PICKTHAL ] Nay, I swear by the Day of Resurrection;

    [ SHAKIR ] Nay! I swear by the day of resurrection.

  31. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَةِ (2

    اور برائیوں پر ملامت کرنے والے نفس کی قسم کھاتا ہوں

    [YOUSAF ALI] And I do call to witness the self-reproaching spirit: (Eschew Evil).

    [ PICKTHAL ] Nay, I swear by the accusing soul (that this Scripture is true).

    [ SHAKIR ] Nay! I swear by the self-accusing soul.

  32. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنْسَانُ أَلَّنْ نَجْمَعَ عِظَامَهُ (3

    کیا یہ انسان یہ خیال کرتا ہے کہ ہم اس کی ہڈیوں کو جمع نہ کرسکیں گے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Thinketh man that We shall not assemble his bones?

    [ SHAKIR ] Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?

  33. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    بَلَىٰ قَادِرِينَ عَلَىٰ أَنْ نُسَوِّيَ بَنَانَهُ (4

    یقینا ہم اس بات پر قادر ہیں کہ اس کی انگلیوں کے پور تک درست کرسکیں

    [YOUSAF ALI] Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Yea, verily. We are Able to restore his very fingers!

    [ SHAKIR ] Yea! We are able to make complete his very fingertips

  34. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    بَلْ يُرِيدُ الْإِنْسَانُ لِيَفْجُرَ أَمَامَهُ (5

    بلکہ انسان یہ چاہتا ہے کہ اپنے سامنے برائی کرتا چلا جائے

    [YOUSAF ALI] But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him.

    [ PICKTHAL ] But man would fain deny what is before him.

    [ SHAKIR ] Nay! man desires to give the lie to what is before him.

  35. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    يَسْأَلُ أَيَّانَ يَوْمُ الْقِيَامَةِ (6

    وہ یہ پوچھتا ہے کہ یہ قیامت کب آنے والی ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] He questions: "When is the Day of Resurrection?"

    [ PICKTHAL ] He asketh: When will be this Day of Resurrection?

    [ SHAKIR ] He asks: When is the day of resurrection?

  36. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    فَإِذَا بَرِقَ الْبَصَرُ (7

    تو جب آنکھیں چکا چوند ہوجائیں گی

    [YOUSAF ALI] At length, when the sight is dazed,

    [ PICKTHAL ] But when sight is confounded

    [ SHAKIR ] So when the sight becomes dazed,

  37. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    وَخَسَفَ الْقَمَرُ (8

    اور چاند کو گہن لگ جائے گا

    [YOUSAF ALI] And the moon is buried in darkness.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And the moon is eclipsed

    [ SHAKIR ] And the moon becomes dark,

  38. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    وَجُمِعَ الشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ (9

    اور یہ چاند سورج اکٹھا کردیئے جائیں گے

    [YOUSAF ALI] And the sun and moon are joined together,-

    [ PICKTHAL ] And sun and moon are united,

    [ SHAKIR ] And the sun and the moon are brought together,

  39. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    يَقُولُ الْإِنْسَانُ يَوْمَئِذٍ أَيْنَ الْمَفَرُّ (10

    اس دن انسان کہے گا کہ اب بھاگنے کا راستہ کدھر ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] That Day will Man say: "Where is the refuge?"

    [ PICKTHAL ] On that day man will cry: Whither to flee!

    [ SHAKIR ] Man shall say on that day: Whither to fly to?

  40. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    كَلَّا لَا وَزَرَ (11

    ہرگز نہیں اب کوئی ٹھکانہ نہیں ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] By no means! No place of safety!

    [ PICKTHAL ] Alas! No refuge!

    [ SHAKIR ] By no means! there shall be no place of refuge!

  41. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئِذٍ الْمُسْتَقَرُّ (12

    اب سب کا مرکز تمہارے پروردگار کی طرف ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Before thy Lord (alone), that Day will be the place of rest.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Unto thy Lord is the recourse that day.

    [ SHAKIR ] With your Lord alone shall on that day be the place of rest.

  42. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 1 to 13

    يُنَبَّأُ الْإِنْسَانُ يَوْمَئِذٍ بِمَا قَدَّمَ وَأَخَّرَ (13

    اس دن انسان کو بتایا جائے گا کہ اس نے پہلے اور بعد کیا کیا اعمال کئے ہیں

    [YOUSAF ALI] That Day will Man be told (all) that he put forward, and all that he put back.

    [ PICKTHAL ] On that day man is told the tale of that which he hath sent before and left behind.

    [ SHAKIR ] Man shall on that day be informed of what he sent before and (what he) put off.

  43. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 14 to 15

    بَلِ الْإِنْسَانُ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِهِ بَصِيرَةٌ (14

    بلکہ انسان خود بھی اپنے نفس کے حالات سے خوب باخبر ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Nay, man will be evidence against himself,

    [ PICKTHAL ] Oh, but man is a telling witness against himself,

    [ SHAKIR ] Nay! man is evidence against himself,

  44. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 14 to 15

    وَلَوْ أَلْقَىٰ مَعَاذِيرَهُ (15

    چاہے وہ کتنے ہی عذر کیوں نہ پیش کرے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Even though he were to put up his excuses.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Although he tender his excuses.

    [ SHAKIR ] Though he puts forth his excuses.

  45. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 36 to 40

    أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنْسَانُ أَنْ يُتْرَكَ سُدًى (36

    کیا انسان کا خیال یہ ہے کہ اسے اسی طرح آزاد چھوڑ دیا جائے گا

    [YOUSAF ALI] Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled, (without purpose)?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Thinketh man that he is to be left aimless?

    [ SHAKIR ] Does man think that he is to be left to wander without an aim?

  46. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 36 to 40

    أَلَمْ يَكُ نُطْفَةً مِنْ مَنِيٍّ يُمْنَىٰ (37

    کیا وہ اس منی کا قطرہ نہیں تھا جسے رحم میں ڈالا جاتا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Was he not a drop of fluid which gushed forth?

    [ SHAKIR ] Was he not a small seed in the seminal elements,

  47. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 36 to 40

    ثُمَّ كَانَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقَ فَسَوَّىٰ (38

    پھر علقہ بنا پھر اسے خلق کرکے برابر کیا

    [YOUSAF ALI] Then did he become a leech-like clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned

    [ SHAKIR ] Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect.

  48. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 36 to 40

    فَجَعَلَ مِنْهُ الزَّوْجَيْنِ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنْثَىٰ (39

    پھر اس سے عورت اور مرد کا جوڑا تیار کیا

    [YOUSAF ALI] And of him He made two sexes, male and female.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And made of him a pair, the male and female.

    [ SHAKIR ] Then He made of him two kinds, the male and the female.

  49. Sura: 75 - al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) From Ayat: 36 to 40

    أَلَيْسَ ذَٰلِكَ بِقَادِرٍ عَلَىٰ أَنْ يُحْيِيَ الْمَوْتَىٰ (40

    کیا وہ خدا اس بات پر قادر نہیں ہے کہ مفِدوں کو دوبارہ زندہ کرسکے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Has not He, (the same), the power to give life to the dead?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Is not He (Who doeth so) Able to bring the dead to life?

    [ SHAKIR ] Is not He able to give life to the dead?

  50. Sura: 76 - al-Insaan (Man) From Ayat: 2 to 3

    إِنَّا خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ مِنْ نُطْفَةٍ أَمْشَاجٍ نَبْتَلِيهِ فَجَعَلْنَاهُ سَمِيعًا بَصِيرًا (2

    یقینا ہم نے انسان کو ایک ملے جلے نطفہ سے پیدا کیا ہے تاکہ اس کا امتحان لیں اور پھر اسے سماعت اور بصارت والا بنادیا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), of Hearing and Sight.

    [ PICKTHAL ] Lo! We create man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; so We make him hearing, knowing.

    [ SHAKIR ] Surely We have created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself): We mean to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing.

  51. Sura: 76 - al-Insaan (Man) From Ayat: 2 to 3

    إِنَّا هَدَيْنَاهُ السَّبِيلَ إِمَّا شَاكِرًا وَإِمَّا كَفُورًا (3

    یقینا ہم نے اسے راستہ کی ہدایت دے دی ہے چاہے وہ شکر گزار ہوجائے یا کفران نعمت کرنے والا ہوجائے

    [YOUSAF ALI] We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).

    [ PICKTHAL ] Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving.

    [ SHAKIR ] Surely We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful.

  52. Sura: 79 - an-Naazi`aat (Those who drag forth) Ayat: 27

    أَأَنْتُمْ أَشَدُّ خَلْقًا أَمِ السَّمَاءُ ۚ بَنَاهَا (27

    کیا تمہاری خلقت آسمان بنانے سے زیادہ مشکل کام ہے کہ اس نے آسمان کو بنایا ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] What! Are ye the more difficult to create or the heaven (above)? (Allah) hath constructed it:

    [ PICKTHAL ] Are ye the harder to create, or is the heaven that He built?

    [ SHAKIR ] Are you the harder to create or the heaven? He made it.

  53. Sura: 99 - az-Zalzal (The Earthquake) From Ayat: 7 to 8

    فَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ (7

    پھر جس شخص نے ذرہ برابر نیکی کی ہے وہ اسے دیکھے گا

    [YOUSAF ALI] Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!

    [ PICKTHAL ] And whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then,

    [ SHAKIR ] So. he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it

  54. Sura: 99 - az-Zalzal (The Earthquake) From Ayat: 7 to 8

    وَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ (8

    اور جس نے ذرہ برابر برائی کی ہے وہ اسے دیکھے گا

    [YOUSAF ALI] And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.

    [ PICKTHAL ] And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then.

    [ SHAKIR ] And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.

  55. Sura: 101 - al-Qaari`a (The Calamity) From Ayat: 6 to 11

    فَأَمَّا مَنْ ثَقُلَتْ مَوَازِينُهُ (6

    تو اس دن جس کی نیکیوں کا پلّہ بھاری ہوگا

    [YOUSAF ALI] Then, he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) heavy,

    [ PICKTHAL ] Then, as for him whose scales are heavy (with good works),

    [ SHAKIR ] Then as for him whose measure of good deeds is heavy,

  56. Sura: 101 - al-Qaari`a (The Calamity) From Ayat: 6 to 11

    فَهُوَ فِي عِيشَةٍ رَاضِيَةٍ (7

    وہ پسندیدہ عیش میں ہوگا

    [YOUSAF ALI] Will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction.

    [ PICKTHAL ] He will live a pleasant life.

    [ SHAKIR ] He shall live a pleasant life.

  57. Sura: 101 - al-Qaari`a (The Calamity) From Ayat: 6 to 11

    وَأَمَّا مَنْ خَفَّتْ مَوَازِينُهُ (8

    اور جس کا پلہّ ہلکا ہوگا

    [YOUSAF ALI] But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light,-

    [ PICKTHAL ] But as for him whose scales are light,

    [ SHAKIR ] And as for him whose measure of good deeds is light,

  58. Sura: 101 - al-Qaari`a (The Calamity) From Ayat: 6 to 11

    فَأُمُّهُ هَاوِيَةٌ (9

    اس کا مرکز ہاویہ ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] Will have his home in a (bottomless) Pit.

    [ PICKTHAL ] A bereft and Hungry One will be his mother,

    [ SHAKIR ] His abode shall be the abyss.

  59. Sura: 101 - al-Qaari`a (The Calamity) From Ayat: 6 to 11

    وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا هِيَهْ (10

    اور تم کیا جانو کہ ہاویہ کیا مصیبت ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] And what will explain to thee what this is?

    [ PICKTHAL ] Ah, what will convey unto thee what she is! -

    [ SHAKIR ] And what will make you know what it is?

  60. Sura: 101 - al-Qaari`a (The Calamity) From Ayat: 6 to 11

    نَارٌ حَامِيَةٌ (11

    یہ ایک دہکی ہوئی آگ ہے

    [YOUSAF ALI] (It is) a Fire Blazing fiercely!

    [ PICKTHAL ] Raging Fire.

    [ SHAKIR ] A burning fire.