- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) Ayat: 134
تِلْكَ أُمَّةٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ ۖ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَلَكُمْ مَا كَسَبْتُمْ ۖ وَلَا تُسْأَلُونَ عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ (134
یہودیو! یہ قوم تھی جو گزر گئی انہیں وہ ملے گا جو انہوں نے کمایا اور تمہیں وہ ملے گا جو تم کماؤ گے تم سے ان کے اعمال کے بارے میں سوال نہ ہوگا
[YOUSAF ALI] That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case!
[ PICKTHAL ] Those are a people who have passed away. Theirs is that which they earned, and yours is that which ye earn. And ye will not be asked of what they used to do.
[ SHAKIR ] This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did.
- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) Ayat: 141
تِلْكَ أُمَّةٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ ۖ لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَلَكُمْ مَا كَسَبْتُمْ ۖ وَلَا تُسْأَلُونَ عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ (141
یہ امّت گزر چکی ہے اس کا حصّہ وہ ہے جو اس نے کیا ہے اور تمہارا حصّہ وہ ہے جو تم کرو گے اور خدا تم سے ان کے اعمال کے بارے میں کوئی سوال نہیں کرے گا
[YOUSAF ALI] That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case:
[ PICKTHAL ] Those are a people who have passed away; theirs is that which they earned and yours that which ye earn. And ye will not be asked of what they used to do.
[ SHAKIR ] This is a people that have passed away; they shall have what they earned and you shall have what you earn, and you shall not be called upon to answer for what they did.
- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) Ayat: 281
وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّىٰ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ (281
اس دن سے ڈرو جب تم سب پلٹا کر اللہ کی بارگاہ میں لے جائے جاؤگے اس کے بعد ہر نفس کو اس کے کئے کا پورا پورا بدلہ ملے گا اور کسی پر کوئی ظلم نہیں کیا جائے گا
[YOUSAF ALI] And fear the Day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. Then shall every soul be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly.
[ PICKTHAL ] And guard yourselves against a day in which ye will be brought back to Allah. Then every soul will be paid in full that which it hath earned, and they will not be wronged.
[ SHAKIR ] And guard yourselves against a day in which you shall be returned to Allah; then every soul shall be paid back in full what it has earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) Ayat: 286
اللہ کسی نفس کو اس کی وسعت سے زیادہ تکلیف نہیں دیتا۔ ہر نفس کے لئے اس کی حاصل کی ہوئی نیکیوں کا فائدہ بھی ہے اور اس کی کمائی ہوئی برائیوں کا مظلمہ بھی- پروردگار! ہم جو کچھ بھول جائیں یا ہم سے غلطی ہو جائے اس کا ہم سے مواخذہ نہ کرنا۔ خدایا ہم پر ویسا بوجھ نہ ڈالنا جیسا پہلے والی امتوں پر ڈالا گیا ہے پروردگار! ہم پر وہ بار نہ ڈالنا جس کی ہم میں طاقت نہ ہو۔ ہمیں معاف کردینا ، ہمیں بخش دینا ، ہم پر رحم کرنا ، تو ہمارا مولا اور مالک ہے اب کافروں کے مقابلہ میں ہماری مدد فرما
[YOUSAF ALI] On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith."
[ PICKTHAL ] Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.
[ SHAKIR ] Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned and upon it (the evil of) what it has wrought: Our Lord! do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake; Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us, Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou art our Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people.
- Sura: 4 - an-Nisaa' (The Women) Ayat: 32
وَلَا تَتَمَنَّوْا مَا فَضَّلَ اللَّهُ بِهِ بَعْضَكُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۚ لِلرِّجَالِ نَصِيبٌ مِمَّا اكْتَسَبُوا ۖ وَلِلنِّسَاءِ نَصِيبٌ مِمَّا اكْتَسَبْنَ ۚ وَاسْأَلُوا اللَّهَ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمًا (32
اور خبردار جو خدا نے بعض افراد کو بعض سے کچھ زیادہ دیا ہے اس کی تمنّا اور آرزو نہ کرنا مردوں کے لئے وہ حصہّ ہے جو انہوں نے کمایا ہے اور عورتوں کے لئے وہ حصہّ ہے جو انہوں نے حاصل کیا ہے- اللہ سے اس کے فضل کا سوال کرو کہ وہ بیشک ہر شے کا جاننے والا ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] And in no wise covet those things in which Allah Hath bestowed His gifts More freely on some of you than on others: To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: But ask Allah of His bounty. For Allah hath full knowledge of all things.
[ PICKTHAL ] And covet not the thing in which Allah hath made some of you excel others. Unto men a fortune from that which they have earned, and unto women a fortune from that which they have earned. (Envy not one another) but ask Allah of His bounty. Lo! Allah is ever Knower of all things.
[ SHAKIR ] And do not covet that by which Allah has made some of you excel others; men shall have the benefit of what they earn and women shall have the benefit of what they earn; and ask Allah of His grace; surely Allah knows all things.
- Sura: 53 - an-Najm (The Star) Ayat: 39
وَأَنْ لَيْسَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ إِلَّا مَا سَعَىٰ (39
اور انسان کے لئے صرف اتنا ہی ہے جتنی اس نے کوشش کی ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] That man can have nothing but what he strives for;
[ PICKTHAL ] And that man hath only that for which he maketh effort,
[ SHAKIR ] And that man shall have nothing but what he strives for-