- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) Ayat: 34
وَإِذْ قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ أَبَىٰ وَاسْتَكْبَرَ وَكَانَ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ (34
اور یاد کرو وہ موقع جب ہم نے ملائکہ سے کہا کہ آدم علیہ السّلام کے لئے سجدہ کرو تو ابلیس کے علاوہ سب نے سجدہ کرلیا. اس نے انکار اور غرور سے کام لیا اور کافرین میں ہو گیا
[YOUSAF ALI] And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith.
[ PICKTHAL ] And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever.
[ SHAKIR ] And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam they did obeisance, but Iblis (did it not). He refused and he was proud, and he was one of the unbelievers.
[ REMARKS : Ibless was a Kaafir but was living among the Angels ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Disbeliever, Refuse, Arrogance]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, Kaafir, Inkar, Gharoor ]
- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) From Ayat: 168 to 169
اے انسانو! زمین میں جو کچھ بھی حلال و طیب ہے اسے استعمال کرو اور شیطانی اقدامات کا اتباع نہ کرو کہ وہ تمہارا کھلا ہوا دشمن ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, Lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an avowed enemy.
[ PICKTHAL ] O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome in the earth, and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Lo! he is an open enemy for you.
[ SHAKIR ] O men! eat the lawful and good things out of what is in the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan; surely he is your open enemy.
[ REMARKS : Eat from what is halal and pure and do not follow Shaitan ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Pure food, Iblees, Enemy, Halal]
[ TAGS URDU: Halal, Tayyab, Shaitan, Dushman, Halal ]
- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) From Ayat: 168 to 169
وہ بس تمہیں بدعملی اور بدکاری کا حکم دیتا ہے اور اس بات پر آمادہ کرتا ہے کہ خدا کے خلاف جہالت کی باتیں کرتے رہو
[YOUSAF ALI] For he commands you what is evil and shameful, and that ye should say of Allah that of which ye have no knowledge.
[ PICKTHAL ] He enjoineth upon you only the evil and the foul, and that ye should tell concerning Allah that which ye know not.
[ SHAKIR ] He only enjoins you evil and indecency, and that you may speak against Allah what you do not know.
[ REMARKS : Eat from what is halal and pure and do not follow Shaitan ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Pure food, Iblees, Enemy, Halal]
[ TAGS URDU: Halal, Tayyab, Shaitan, Dushman, Halal ]
- Sura: 2 - al-Baqara (The Cow) Ayat: 208
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ادْخُلُوا فِي السِّلْمِ كَافَّةً وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُبِينٌ (208
ایمان والو! تم سب مکمل طریقہ سے اسلام میں داخل ہوجاؤ اور شیطانی اقدامات کا اتباع نہ کرو کہ وہ تمہارا کھلا ہوا دشمن ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy.
[ PICKTHAL ] O ye who believe! Come, all of you, into submission (unto Him); and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Lo! he is an open enemy for you.
[ SHAKIR ] O you who believe! enter into submission one and all and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan; surely he is your open enemy.
[ REMARKS : Iblees is open enemy ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees. Open, Enemy]
[ TAGS URDU: Shaita, Khula, Dushman ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي خَالِقٌ بَشَرًا مِنْ صَلْصَالٍ مِنْ حَمَإٍ مَسْنُونٍ (28
اور اس وقت کو یاد کرو کہ جب تمہارے پروردگار نے ملائکہ سے کہا تھا کہ میں سیاہی مائل نرم کھنکھناتی ہوئی مٹی سے ایک بشر پیدا کرنے والا ہوں
[YOUSAF ALI] Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape;
[ PICKTHAL ] And (remember) when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter's clay of black mud altered,
[ SHAKIR ] And when your Lord said to the angels: Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
فَإِذَا سَوَّيْتُهُ وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِنْ رُوحِي فَقَعُوا لَهُ سَاجِدِينَ (29
پھر جب مکمل کرلوں اور اس میں اپنی روح حیات پھونک دوں تو سب کے سب سجدہ میں گر پڑنا
[YOUSAF ALI] "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him."
[ PICKTHAL ] So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him.
[ SHAKIR ] So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
فَسَجَدَ الْمَلَائِكَةُ كُلُّهُمْ أَجْمَعُونَ (30
تو تمام ملائکہ نے اجتماعی طور پر سجدہ کرلیا تھا
[YOUSAF ALI] So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:
[ PICKTHAL ] So the angels fell prostrate, all of them together
[ SHAKIR ] So the angels made obeisance, all of them together,
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ أَبَىٰ أَنْ يَكُونَ مَعَ السَّاجِدِينَ (31
علاوہ ابلیس کے کہ وہ سجدہ گزاروں کے ساتھ نہ ہوسکا
[YOUSAF ALI] Not so Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.
[ PICKTHAL ] Save Iblis. He refused to be among the prostrate.
[ SHAKIR ] But Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ يَا إِبْلِيسُ مَا لَكَ أَلَّا تَكُونَ مَعَ السَّاجِدِينَ (32
اللہ نے کہا کہ اے ابلیس تجھے کیا ہوگیا ہے کہ تو سجدہ گزاروں میں شامل نہ ہوسکا
[YOUSAF ALI] (Allah) said: "O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves?"
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: O Iblis! What aileth thee that thou art not among the prostrate?
[ SHAKIR ] He said: O Iblis! what excuse have you that you are not with those who make obeisance?
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ لَمْ أَكُنْ لِأَسْجُدَ لِبَشَرٍ خَلَقْتَهُ مِنْ صَلْصَالٍ مِنْ حَمَإٍ مَسْنُونٍ (33
اس نے کہا کہ میں ایسے بشر کو سجدہ نہیں کرسکتا جسے تو نے سیاہی مائل خشک مٹی سے پیدا کیا ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] (Iblis) said: "I am not one to prostrate myself to man, whom Thou didst create from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape."
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: I am not one to prostrate myself unto a mortal whom Thou hast created out of potter's clay of black mud altered!
[ SHAKIR ] He said: I am not such that I should make obeisance to a mortal whom Thou hast created of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ فَاخْرُجْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّكَ رَجِيمٌ (34
ارشاد ہوا کہ تو یہاں سے نکل جا کہ تو مردود ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] (Allah) said: "Then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed.
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: Then go thou forth from hence, for lo! thou art outcast.
[ SHAKIR ] He said: Then get out of it, for surely you are driven away:
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكَ اللَّعْنَةَ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ (35
اور تجھ پر قیامت کے دن تک لعنت ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] "And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment."
[ PICKTHAL ] And lo! the curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgment.
[ SHAKIR ] And surely on you is curse until the day of judgment.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ رَبِّ فَأَنْظِرْنِي إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ (36
اس نے کہا کہ پروردگار مجھے روز حشر تک کی مہلت دیدے
[YOUSAF ALI] (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised."
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: My Lord! Reprieve me till the day when they are raised.
[ SHAKIR ] He said: My Lord! then respite me till the time when they are raised.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ فَإِنَّكَ مِنَ الْمُنْظَرِينَ (37
جواب ملا کہ تجھے مہلت دیدی گئی ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] (Allah) said: "Respite is granted thee
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: Then lo! thou art of those reprieved
[ SHAKIR ] He said: So surely you are of the respited ones
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْوَقْتِ الْمَعْلُومِ (38
ایک معلوم اور معین وقت کے لئے
[YOUSAF ALI] "Till the Day of the Time appointed."
[ PICKTHAL ] Till the Day of appointed time.
[ SHAKIR ] Till the period of the time made known.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ (39
اس نے کہا کہ پروردگار جس طرح تو نے مجھے گمراہ کیا ہے میں ان بندوں کے لئے زمین میں ساز و سامان آراستہ کروں گا اور سب کو اکٹھا گمراہ کروں گا
[YOUSAF ALI] (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,-
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: My Lord! Because Thou hast sent me astray, I verily shall adorn the path of error for them in the earth, and shall mislead them every one,
[ SHAKIR ] He said: My Lord! because Thou hast made life evil to me, I will certainly make (evil) fair-seeming to them on earth, and I will certainly cause them all to deviate
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ (40
علاوہ تیرے ان بندوں کے جنہیں تو نے خالص بنا لیا ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] "Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)."
[ PICKTHAL ] Save such of them as are Thy perfectly devoted slaves.
[ SHAKIR ] Except Thy servants from among them, the devoted ones.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
قَالَ هَٰذَا صِرَاطٌ عَلَيَّ مُسْتَقِيمٌ (41
ارشاد ہوا کہ یہی میرا سیدھا راستہ ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] (Allah) said: "This (way of My sincere servants) is indeed a way that leads straight to Me.
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: This is a right course incumbent upon Me:
[ SHAKIR ] He said: This is a right way with Me:
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 15 - al-Hijr (The Rock) From Ayat: 28 to 42
إِنَّ عِبَادِي لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَانٌ إِلَّا مَنِ اتَّبَعَكَ مِنَ الْغَاوِينَ (42
میرے بندوں پر تیرا کوئی اختیار نہیں ہے علاوہ ان کے جو گمراہوں میں سے تیری پیروی کرنے لگیں
[YOUSAF ALI] "For over My servants no authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee."
[ PICKTHAL ] Lo! as for My slaves, thou hast no power over any of them save such of the froward as follow thee,
[ SHAKIR ] Surely. as regards My servants, you have no authority ,over them except those who follow you of the deviators.
[ REMARKS : The story of Shaitan in Sura Hijr ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Shaitan]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, ابلیس ]
- Sura: 17 - al-Israa' (The Night Journey) Ayat: 53
وَقُلْ لِعِبَادِي يَقُولُوا الَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ ۚ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَنْزَغُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ كَانَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ عَدُوًّا مُبِينًا (53
اور میرے بندوں سے کہہ دیجئے کہ صرف اچھی باتیں کیا کریں ورنہ شیطان یقینا ان کے درمیان فساد پیدا کرنا چاہے گا کہ شیطان انسان کا کِھلا ہوا دشمن ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] Say to My servants that they should (only) say those things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions among them: For Satan is to man an avowed enemy.
[ PICKTHAL ] Tell My bondmen to speak that which is kindlier. Lo! the devil soweth discord among them. Lo! the devil is for man an open foe.
[ SHAKIR ] And say to My servants (that) they speak that which is best; surely the Shaitan sows dissensions among them; surely the Shaitan is an open enemy to man.
[ REMARKS : Iblees is an open enemy of humans and will try to sow discord among people. ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Shaitan, Discord, Open, Enemy]
[ TAGS URDU: Shaitan, Fisaad, Dushman, Khula ]
- Sura: 17 - al-Israa' (The Night Journey) From Ayat: 61 to 65
وَإِذْ قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ اسْجُدُوا لِآدَمَ فَسَجَدُوا إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ قَالَ أَأَسْجُدُ لِمَنْ خَلَقْتَ طِينًا (61
اور جب ہم نے ملائکہ سے کہا کہ آدم کو سجدہ کرو تو سب نے سجدہ کرلیا سوائے ابلیس کے کہ اس نے کہا کہ کیا میں اسے سجدہ کروں جسے تو نے مٹی سے بنایا ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] Behold! We said to the angels: "Bow down unto Adam": They bowed down except Iblis: He said, "Shall I bow down to one whom Thou didst create from clay?"
[ PICKTHAL ] And when We said unto the angels: Fall down prostrate before Adam and they fell prostrate all save Iblis, he said: Shall I fall prostrate before that which Thou hast created of clay?
[ SHAKIR ] And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam; they made obeisance, but Iblis (did it not). He said: Shall I make obeisance to him whom Thou hast created of dust?
[ REMARKS : Dialog between Iblees and Allah(swt) ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Allah, Prostration, Decline]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, Allah, Sajda, Inkar ]
- Sura: 17 - al-Israa' (The Night Journey) From Ayat: 61 to 65
قَالَ أَرَأَيْتَكَ هَٰذَا الَّذِي كَرَّمْتَ عَلَيَّ لَئِنْ أَخَّرْتَنِ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ لَأَحْتَنِكَنَّ ذُرِّيَّتَهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا (62
کیا تو نے دیکھا ہے کہ یہ کیا شے ہے جسے میرے اوپر فضیلت د ے دی ہے اب اگر تو نے مجھے قیامت تک کی مہلت دے دی تو میں ان کی ذریت میں چند افراد کے علاوہ سب کا گلا گھونٹتا رہوں گا
[YOUSAF ALI] He said: "Seest Thou? this is the one whom Thou hast honoured above me! If Thou wilt but respite me to the Day of Judgment, I will surely bring his descendants under my sway - all but a few!"
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: Seest Thou this (creature) whom Thou hast honoured above me, if Thou give me grace until the Day of Resurrection I verily will seize his seed, save but a few.
[ SHAKIR ] He said: Tell me, is this he whom Thou hast honored above me? If Thou shouldst respite me to the day of resurrection, I will most certainly cause his progeny to perish except a few.
[ REMARKS : Dialog between Iblees and Allah(swt) ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Allah, Prostration, Decline]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, Allah, Sajda, Inkar ]
- Sura: 17 - al-Israa' (The Night Journey) From Ayat: 61 to 65
قَالَ اذْهَبْ فَمَنْ تَبِعَكَ مِنْهُمْ فَإِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ جَزَاؤُكُمْ جَزَاءً مَوْفُورًا (63
جواب ملا کہ جا اب جو بھی تیرا اتباع کرے گا تم سب کی جزا مکمل طور پر جہنمّ ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] (Allah) said: "Go thy way; if any of them follow thee, verily Hell will be the recompense of you (all)- an ample recompense.
[ PICKTHAL ] He said: Go, and whosoever of them followeth thee - lo! hell will be your payment, ample payment.
[ SHAKIR ] He said: Be gone! for whoever of them will follow you, then surely hell is your recompense, a full recompense:
[ REMARKS : Dialog between Iblees and Allah(swt) ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Allah, Prostration, Decline]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, Allah, Sajda, Inkar ]
- Sura: 17 - al-Israa' (The Night Journey) From Ayat: 61 to 65
وَاسْتَفْزِزْ مَنِ اسْتَطَعْتَ مِنْهُمْ بِصَوْتِكَ وَأَجْلِبْ عَلَيْهِمْ بِخَيْلِكَ وَرَجِلِكَ وَشَارِكْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَوْلَادِ وَعِدْهُمْ ۚ وَمَا يَعِدُهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِلَّا غُرُورًا (64
جا جس پر بھی بس چلے اپنی آواز سے گمراہ کر اور اپنے سوار اور پیادوں سے حملہ کردے اور ان کے اموال اور اولاد میں شریک ہوجا اور ان سے خوب وعدے کر کہ شیطان سوائے دھوکہ دینے کے اور کوئی سچا وعدہ نہیں کرسکتا ہے (
[YOUSAF ALI] "Lead to destruction those whom thou canst among them, with thy (seductive) voice; make assaults on them with thy cavalry and thy infantry; mutually share with them wealth and children; and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.
[ PICKTHAL ] And excite any of them whom thou canst with thy voice, and urge thy horse and foot against them, and be a partner in their wealth and children, and promise them. Satan promiseth them only to deceive.
[ SHAKIR ] And beguile whomsoever of them you can with your voice, and collect against them your forces riding and on foot, and share with them in wealth and children, and hold out promises to them; and the Shaitan makes not promises to them but to deceive:
[ REMARKS : Dialog between Iblees and Allah(swt) ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Allah, Prostration, Decline]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, Allah, Sajda, Inkar ]
- Sura: 17 - al-Israa' (The Night Journey) From Ayat: 61 to 65
إِنَّ عِبَادِي لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَانٌ ۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِرَبِّكَ وَكِيلًا (65
بیشک میرے اصلی بندوں پر تیرا کوئی بس نہیں ہے اور آپ کا پروردگار ان کی نگہبانی کے لئے کافی ہے
[YOUSAF ALI] "As for My servants, no authority shalt thou have over them:" Enough is thy Lord for a Disposer of affairs.
[ PICKTHAL ] Lo! My (faithful) bondmen - over them thou hast no power, and thy Lord sufficeth as (their) guardian.
[ SHAKIR ] Surely (as for) My servants, you have no authority over them; and your Lord is sufficient as a Protector.
[ REMARKS : Dialog between Iblees and Allah(swt) ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Allah, Prostration, Decline]
[ TAGS URDU: Iblees, Allah, Sajda, Inkar ]
- Sura: 38 - Saad (The letter 'saad') Ayat: 74
إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ اسْتَكْبَرَ وَكَانَ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ (74
علاوہ ابلیس کے کہ وہ اکڑ گیا اور کافروں میں ہوگیا
[YOUSAF ALI] Not so Iblis: he was haughty, and became one of those who reject Faith.
[ PICKTHAL ] Saving Iblis; he was scornful and became one of the disbelievers.
[ SHAKIR ] But not Iblis: he was proud and he was one of the unbelievers.
[ REMARKS : Iblees was a kafir ]
[ TAGS ENGLISH: Iblees, Infidel]
[ TAGS URDU: Kafir, Shaitan ]